Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Naked Ape

This one's a three-parter. Two weeks ago, Arturo was being given a tour of the library basement, and Arturo noticed a carrel of books sitting around. Arturo notices that one of the books on the carrel is the exact same edition of Desmond Morris's The Naked Ape that he has at home. So he picks it up, leafs through it, and sees that it's been tagged for removal from the stacks. Sad. Whatever, though, Arturo doesn't make anything of it because that's not how Arturo rolls, biznatch. Last week, though, Arturo visits Simone in New York City and sees that -she- has a copy of The Naked Ape sitting on her shelf. Simone had not read it, though, so Arturo then kills the conversation by summarizing what the book is about in one sentence. Still just a very minor coincidence. Then later that day, Arturo and Simone are riding the subway and they see that the girl sitting next to them is reading a book. What book is she reading? Yep, Desmond Morris's The Naked Ape. The same edition Arturo has and that was in the library basement! Coincidence city, man. And this one was even outside of the Málaga city limits!

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