Wednesday, June 24, 2009
The Naked Ape
This one's a three-parter. Two weeks ago, Arturo was being given a tour of the library basement, and Arturo noticed a carrel of books sitting around. Arturo notices that one of the books on the carrel is the exact same edition of Desmond Morris's The Naked Ape that he has at home. So he picks it up, leafs through it, and sees that it's been tagged for removal from the stacks. Sad. Whatever, though, Arturo doesn't make anything of it because that's not how Arturo rolls, biznatch. Last week, though, Arturo visits Simone in New York City and sees that -she- has a copy of The Naked Ape sitting on her shelf. Simone had not read it, though, so Arturo then kills the conversation by summarizing what the book is about in one sentence. Still just a very minor coincidence. Then later that day, Arturo and Simone are riding the subway and they see that the girl sitting next to them is reading a book. What book is she reading? Yep, Desmond Morris's The Naked Ape. The same edition Arturo has and that was in the library basement! Coincidence city, man. And this one was even outside of the Málaga city limits!
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Sarah was sitting in the living room, non-chalantly chatting on MSN with a friend who lives in San Francisco. Sarah and her friend were chatting about how San Francisco compares to St. Louis. At that moment, Simone- who was across the room, began singing "If you're going to San sure to wear some flowers in your hair."
Girl be reading my mind!!
Girl be reading my mind!!
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
I'm doing it right now.
At Siglo XX, playing darts:
Sarah: "Name some good movies."
Arturo: "For what?"
Sarah: "To see if they're my favorite."
Sarah: "Name some good movies."
Arturo: "For what?"
Sarah: "To see if they're my favorite."
Thursday, November 15, 2007
A few weeks ago, Arturo and I were talking about life, love, and
renting cars. I told him that until recently, the only time I had
rented a car was with my parents in Arizona. We were going to visit a
college I had applied know it was a tiny liberal arts school
in the mountains, lots of artists and hippys etc. So naturally my
parents would embarrass me to the fullest extent. When we got to the
car rental place my mom decided she had to have the cherry red
Chrysler Sebring convertible so we could cruise in style. It was
brand new, we had to put the top down, come on. There I was,
twentysome years old, chillin in the back seat hair blowin in the
wind, dad driving .
Anyways, so this week in Malaga im at a friends house downtown (city
center), about to leave and another guy at the house says hes going
towards my way and that he'll give me a ride. I was kinda in the mood
to walk, it was late afternoon and I was gonna put my headphones on
and stroll thru malaga..but it was nice of him to offer, so I said
yes. Next thing I know im confronted by the most crazy, european,
sports-car/smart car ever. Seriously, smart cars are their own little
weirdness, but the sports version of a smart car. Smart Roadster. just
imagine. I had never seen a car of such freakish style and size. Its
definitely the shiniest, most pimped out sportscar looking vehicle id
ever seen in Spain. So after the start button (that is where the
ebrake normally is) does not seem to work we realize the battery is
dead. But these smart cars require a strict following of the owners
manual to get them up and running again. So moments later me and 2
other dudes we found walking down the road (shout out to them bc they
saw the car an automatically said "venga, ponlo en marcha" and started
pushing..pura andaluz) are pushing and running the car down the windy,
narrow malaga street. The line of cars that had formed behind us, was
very patient till we got the battery to kick back in. So, back in the
car, I look up at the 2 by 2 foot roof that made of some sort of
cloth, oh shit..looks like it comes off. Oh yes, one press of a button
and bam! its a convertible! Ofcourse we turned the music way up as the
top came down at the stoplight. But this was different than dad
driving..this was im going to show off my smart car convertible
driving. No joke. We were going 80 mph on the highway and spinning
wheels at every stoplight. I was scared shitless. The nice little ride
home turned into convertible tour de malaga. Because of traffic, we
passed though seriously every neighborhood in the city and it took an
hour to get home. I was never so happy to get the hell out of a car,
convertible or not. That makes two bad convertible experiences for me.
renting cars. I told him that until recently, the only time I had
rented a car was with my parents in Arizona. We were going to visit a
college I had applied know it was a tiny liberal arts school
in the mountains, lots of artists and hippys etc. So naturally my
parents would embarrass me to the fullest extent. When we got to the
car rental place my mom decided she had to have the cherry red
Chrysler Sebring convertible so we could cruise in style. It was
brand new, we had to put the top down, come on. There I was,
twentysome years old, chillin in the back seat hair blowin in the
wind, dad driving .
Anyways, so this week in Malaga im at a friends house downtown (city
center), about to leave and another guy at the house says hes going
towards my way and that he'll give me a ride. I was kinda in the mood
to walk, it was late afternoon and I was gonna put my headphones on
and stroll thru malaga..but it was nice of him to offer, so I said
yes. Next thing I know im confronted by the most crazy, european,
sports-car/smart car ever. Seriously, smart cars are their own little
weirdness, but the sports version of a smart car. Smart Roadster. just
imagine. I had never seen a car of such freakish style and size. Its
definitely the shiniest, most pimped out sportscar looking vehicle id
ever seen in Spain. So after the start button (that is where the
ebrake normally is) does not seem to work we realize the battery is
dead. But these smart cars require a strict following of the owners
manual to get them up and running again. So moments later me and 2
other dudes we found walking down the road (shout out to them bc they
saw the car an automatically said "venga, ponlo en marcha" and started
pushing..pura andaluz) are pushing and running the car down the windy,
narrow malaga street. The line of cars that had formed behind us, was
very patient till we got the battery to kick back in. So, back in the
car, I look up at the 2 by 2 foot roof that made of some sort of
cloth, oh shit..looks like it comes off. Oh yes, one press of a button
and bam! its a convertible! Ofcourse we turned the music way up as the
top came down at the stoplight. But this was different than dad
driving..this was im going to show off my smart car convertible
driving. No joke. We were going 80 mph on the highway and spinning
wheels at every stoplight. I was scared shitless. The nice little ride
home turned into convertible tour de malaga. Because of traffic, we
passed though seriously every neighborhood in the city and it took an
hour to get home. I was never so happy to get the hell out of a car,
convertible or not. That makes two bad convertible experiences for me.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
vivienne leigh leave us alone!
Monday, November 12, 2007
The Boy with the Arab Strap

Simone was taking some mp3s off of Arturo's computer, when she noticed that he had a limited collection of Belle & Sebastian, one of her favorite bands. She mentioned that he should copy some of the albums from her computer. Arturo said that he only knows of one album, called "The Boy with the Arab Strap." Just as the words leave his mouth, Simone notices that her iPod, which is playing at random in the next room, begins to play the title song from that album: The Boy with the Arab Strap!
junior high flashback
i was flipping through the channels on the television (here in spain, no less) back and forth, back and forth, hoping for something interesting to happen. it was then that something caught my eye. it was an old episode of "medium," the show with the psychic woman that uses her powers to solve crimes, dubbed in spanish. what caught my eye was a familiar face, one i hadn't seen in years. it was an old classmate from junior high, named charlie. he came on the screen just as i was about to change the channel. i was even more shocked to find that in the episode, he played a character named charlie. what the hell?
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